Florida Board of
Athletic Training
FYI: Processing times for license must not exceed 30 days (FL law). The typical processing time for AT license is 1 – 3 days
(aka. Statutes)
(aka. FL Administrative Code)

ATAF Quick Links

Fun Facts!
Florida has the longest coastline of beaches in the US, no matter where you are, you’re never more than 60 miles from salt water.
Florida has the highest rate of lightning strikes in the country (make sure you have proper tools implemented for outdoor sports coverage ATs!)
Florida has set the world record for most consecutive days of sunshine (768 days in the late 1960’s), while St. Petersburg, FL specifically gets an average of 361 days of sunshine per year

AT Tips/Questions for Success
Familiarize yourself with FL Regulatory documents
ATs in Florida must have a supervising physician - MD, DO, or DC
There is NO GRACE PERIOD in Florida for unlicensed activity! You can't move here and work if you do not have a license.
Have you identified your supervising physician?
ATs in Florida must have operational protocols (e.g., Standing Orders), they may be written or verbal
Do you have your operational protocols signed off by your supervising physician?
Have you reviewed these protocols for alignment with the Scope of Practice?
Annual review of protocols with your supervising physician and legal counsel may help keep your practice current and compliant.
Do you have your Emergency Action Plans for each venue/location within your practice?
Do you have professional liability insurance?
Does your employer provide liability insurance?
Do you need/want individual liability insurance?
Are you considering working PRN outside of your primary employment?
Do you have a supervising physician?
Do you have operational protocols?
Do you have liability insurance?
ATAF as an organization cannot interpret regulatory documents (e.g., FL Statutes, Board of Athletic Training administrative code), we encourage you to review the scope of practice information for Athletic Trainers and discuss your questions with your supervising physician and/or legal counsel supporting your practice. For further information, please contact the Board of Athletic Training via the Medical Quality Assurance email: mqa.athletictraining@flhealth.gov