Committee on Practice Advancement
Mission Statement: Provide ATs, AT students, and AT supporters with resources including education and advocacy, regarding the array of occupational opportunities that exist within the profession.
Purpose Statement: Advancing the Athletic Training Profession through, Awareness, Recognition, and Education.

AT Work with COPA Video Series
begin at 00:12
begin at 00:07
begin at 16:26
NATA Resources area:
NATA At Your Own Risk: What is an Athletic Trainer
NATA Health Care Administration and Rehabilitation
NATA AT Your Own Risk: Performing Arts
NATA AT Your Own Risk: Physicians Practice
NATA At Your Own Risk: Armed Forces
NATA At Your Own Risk: Public Safety
NATA AT Your Own Risk: Occupational/Industrial
AT Society Links:
The Performing Arts Athletic Trainers’ Society
Athletic Trainers in the Physicians Practice Society
Armed Forces Athletic Trainers’ Society
Public Safety Athletic Trainers’ Society
Industrial Athletic Trainers’ Society